Hi, I'm Eva.
I'm an experienced market strategist and service designer with over 10 years of experience in the software industry. At the moment of writing I work at Tuxera, a global software company that develops file systems and other embedded software solutions.
As a Product Manager at Tuxera I play a key role in setting the long-term vision and strategy of the company and defining our value propositions. I am responsible for building products that people will use. I work with customers and partners and across all departments to make sure this happens.
In my spare time I enjoy building things and contributing to projects I believe in, usually related to open communities or education. I am one of the founders of Tech x Marketing Network, the largest community of marketing executives in Finland. Before that, I was lead organizer of the Finnish Android Association (now Google Developers Group Helsinki), one of the largest communities of mobile developers in the Nordic countries.
Thanks for visiting my website.
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Do you want to get something built? Work on some idea together? Let me know!
Other ways for getting in touch are at the bottom of the page; personal email and Twitter usually work best.